Hi, I currently work as a Data Scientist at AE Studio.

Previously, I was a Machine Learning Engineer at Loblaw Digital, and as part of the GenAI team, I have crafted cutting-edge Machine Learning solutions to optimize supply chain operations.

Prior to that, I completed my PhD at Toronto Metropolitan University, where my research was primarily concentrated on the explainability of deep neural networks, with a specific focus on time series analysis and natural language processing.

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While my models are training, I engage with the ML community at Aggregate Intellect, previously by hosting live streams with amazing researchers and leading the time series group, and currently as an advisor.

In my spare time, I strive to learn more about my other passions such as Behavioral Psychology, Futurism, Quantified Self.

When I need to cool down, you can find me learning new melodies, playing board games, or discovering new places.







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